You've made my day

Posted by mashrabiya | Posted in | Posted on 12:17 PM

Today is another day with the same routine, 15minutes travel to workplace. A stack of as built drawings to be reviewed, a few inspection requests and some other things waiting to be attended to, some problems on site to be taken care of. With all this, my emotional stability is still at B+ level until I went to the pantry and toilet at noon to find out there is no water and you didn’t have a clue on why’s that happening. That’s not all, the internet connection was down as well disrupting the downloading of a couple of drawings send by the head office to be presented asap. Then went to do other things, only to find out that photocopy machine is not working due toner problems and same goes to the printer which one of the colour is run out of supplies. So you cannot print, cannot photocopy, the basic offices equipment and supplies is not available such as files, A3 papers, blank CD and even the portable hard drive (no thing such a LAN system here). Would like to conclude everything as FRUSTRATING (level C-). (Disclaimer : This story is fictional and does not related to any parties)

The basic office supplies for the site management team on site are under the main contractor’s responsibility. Problem such as shortage of power supply and water supply should not happen even the site is under construction. The supply should be tap from a constant supply with approval from the local authority. Back up supply also should be put into consideration as we do not know what will happen in the future. Additional water tank and generator in case of supply failure should be considered. Imagine if it happen during the night of working hour. It’s a pity if the job could not be carried out due to shortage of power. What could happen if the supply does have problems for a couple of days? It sure does affect the timeline and progress of the job.

For basic office equipment, there should be a person assigned to check all supplies in a week, month basis or whenever needed to ensure necessary action of acquisition of the supplies may be done.

The consultants are human being which could be affected by emotion even they shouldn’t as it is against the principle of professionalism. However it does give a bad impression on the main contractor’s performance and management. Lack of sensitivity on basic needs will reflect upon the project/job as a whole. Good contractor will not do this kind of mistakes. It like you went for an interview for a corporate top management position with a round neck T shirt with short and slippers. You’ll be lucky even to be able to meet the interviewers. Its all about impression and sensitivity.

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