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12:17 PM

Today is another day with the same routine, 15minutes travel to workplace. A stack of as built drawings to be reviewed, a few inspection requests and some other things waiting to be attended to, some problems on site to be taken care of. With all this, my emotional stability is still at B+ level until I went to the pantry and toilet at noon to find out there is no water and you didn’t have a clue on why’s that happening. That’s not all, the internet connection was down as well disrupting the downloading of a couple of drawings send by the head office to be presented asap. Then went to do other things, only to find out that photocopy machine is not working due toner problems and same goes to the printer which one of the colour is run out of supplies. So you cannot print, cannot photocopy, the basic offices equipment and supplies is not available such as files, A3 papers, blank CD and even the portable hard drive (no thing such a LAN system here). Would like to conclude everything as FRUSTRATING (level C-). (Disclaimer : This story is fictional and does not related to any parties)
The basic office supplies for the site management team on site are under the main contractor’s responsibility. Problem such as shortage of power supply and water supply should not happen even the site is under construction. The supply should be tap from a constant supply with approval from the local authority. Back up supply also should be put into consideration as we do not know what will happen in the future. Additional water tank and generator in case of supply failure should be considered. Imagine if it happen during the night of working hour. It’s a pity if the job could not be carried out due to shortage of power. What could happen if the supply does have problems for a couple of days? It sure does affect the timeline and progress of the job.
For basic office equipment, there should be a person assigned to check all supplies in a week, month basis or whenever needed to ensure necessary action of acquisition of the supplies may be done.
The consultants are human being which could be affected by emotion even they shouldn’t as it is against the principle of professionalism. However it does give a bad impression on the main contractor’s performance and management. Lack of sensitivity on basic needs will reflect upon the project/job as a whole. Good contractor will not do this kind of mistakes. It like you went for an interview for a corporate top management position with a round neck T shirt with short and slippers. You’ll be lucky even to be able to meet the interviewers. Its all about impression and sensitivity.
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12:52 AM

The population of Riyadh being the capital of Saudi Arabia has been drastically increased for the past 10 years (estimated to be around 6.4million). It comprises of 60% of Saudis and the rest are expatriates from various parts of the world. If I may summarized based on my observations, here are qualities and behavior of Saudi people / Saudis or Non Saudi who has been assimilated and absorbed by the locals.
1. Upon entering small store (bakalah, kedai runcit) they tend to greet the shopkeeper with Assalamualaykum. This is a very good practice as a Muslim which we may instill in our Malaysian culture. Some of them even greet each other while passing by even they don’t know you.
2. Congregational prayer in the mosque has been practiced for 5 times daily prayers. All of them from as young as 5 years to the elderly with walking stick obediently performing the duty in the mosque. I even saw someone with a wheel chair attending the congregational prayer as well. The shops are all closed during prayer times and the people swarmed the mosque just like during Friday prayers. That is why you may find mosque at every 500m from each other. I can even hear multiple times ‘azan’ (calling for prayer) been delivered from my house.
3. They do love kids a great deal. I bet if u have a kid and go to shopping mall, there will be at least one person to greet and play with your kid. Even a 7 year old kid will at least touch your baby’s hand. Some may give sweets or candies and there’s a few times they ask to photograph my kids. I can say it is nearly none this kind of things happening in Malaysia. Kids are being taught to aware of strangers as the rising cases of missing children. It’s frightening to think about my children safety in Malaysia compared with here in Saudi.
4. I guess they do love to just stay at home on the Friday morning. If you want to have a quiet and peaceful driving along the road in Riyadh, it has to be on Friday morning before the Jumaat prayer. For us, its time for our trip to Batha for a taste of delicious and moist shawarma ( It is hardly to see Saudis on Friday morning. Driver washing the car is common things to see around this time. However, it change starting after Jumaat prayer till the sun set, all of a sudden the deserted road will be flocked and cramped with traffics.
What about the other side of it? In that case you may have to search for others opinion as I only point out about what I like about them (Saudis).
Have a nice day.
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5:33 AM

Hedorf's residence Hall, Denmark (KHR Architect)
Being in Saudi Arabia for the past 3 years enable me to conclude that besides steel, glass enveloped building, precast concrete façade is widely use here as it is somehow practical. Besides been used as a structural member, its also use as final architectural finishing elements. What is precast concrete?
Precast concrete is a form of construction, where concrete is cast in a reusable mould or "form" which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into place. (
Why I said it is practical here?
When we discuss about practicality in construction, we cannot avoid to relate it with cost, time and process/method.
CLIMATE - First of all, lets take a look into Riyadh climate being in the central region of Saudi Arabia. This city has 2 types of climate which are summer (April-Oct) and winter (Nov-Mar). The temperature during summer can go as high as 50 degree C while during winter it may go as low as -5 degree C. The difference in temperature is about 55 degree which is considered extreme. Compare to Malaysia, The difference in climate is about 15 degree C. The extreme climate condition in Riyadh does affect the performance of building materials as building elements tend to contract in cold and expand in hot condition.
In term of method, precast concrete as define earlier, is developed in the controlled environment. It saves the hassle of curing consideration on climate. However the design of the precast panel should incorporate building movement into consideration. Example ; soft joints, movement joint, expansion joint.
Unlike ‘in-situ’ concrete casting or plastering works, one should take consideration on the curing issue especially during summer. Fail to do so may result failure in concrete strength or debonding substrate. Certain chemical also need to be implies to enhance bonding ability and expand/contract reaction. And if the concrete did fail due to climatic response, the main contractor has to bear the cost of rectifying the works. In this case, cost implies.
QUALITY – Precast concrete panel is constructed using mold. The quality of the outcome mainly depends on the sub contractor / specialist in precast concrete. The QA/QC should check the mold prior to casting process. The thing that the main contractor has to take care of is the erection process unless it was done by other parties. The final finishing such as paint either can be applied later after erecting or could be pigmented during the molding process. Pigmented concrete is good for long term cost saving in term of maintenance. The sub contractor for precast concrete is held responsible for the quality issue which the main contractor could highlight before acceptance of the precast unit.
For non precast work, more on site QA/QC and supervision is needed before, during and after the casting work. The formwork, setting out, the reinforcement, the materials, grade of concrete, etc have to be properly supervised and executed. It requires more materials to finish it such as plastering accessories, paint works, concrete preparation and repair. Again, cost implies in the matter of rectification works and the methods involved along the way.
SITE PERSONNEL AND LABOUR - labour usage for precast concrete process may be minimal from the main contractor’s side as they just emphasize on supervision and QA/QC. The delivery of the precast panel can be regarded into sub contractor’s responsibility.
In comparison with in situ casting, the labour may expand from the preparation of formwork and reinforcement, concrete pouring, post concreting process and finally finishing. Supervision in hourly basis also increases throughout every stage.
TIME – In term of timing, it may be affected by certain factors such as the complexity of the precast panel, mobilization of precast into site and technology availability. However, provided that the precast sub contractor is reliable, from the design of the precast to the inspection period, in my opinion precast construction is faster than in situ concrete casting. As the quality take place, it sure save the time of major repairing of the concrete surface. If the panels are repetitive, it also saves the cost and time of rebuilding formwork as well as labour wise.
Considering the nature of the construction industry in Saudi Arabia, I may suggest that it is best to go for precast solution where it is possible. Precast method also better in dealing with curvy design and organic form where it reduces the uneven and undulation of concrete surface which easily exposed under the sun by the shades it creates. However, the main contractor may have to invest more on the short run but it does save a lot on the long run as we don’t want to be as a saying ‘save a penny, lose a pound’ or ‘save a halalah lose a riyal’.
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2:35 AM

A shop drawing is a drawing or set of drawings produced by the contractor, supplier, manufacturer, subcontractor, or fabricator. Shop drawings are not produced by architects and engineers under their contract with the owner. The shop drawing is the manufacturer’s or the contractor’s drawn version of information shown in the construction documents. The shop drawing normally shows more detail than the construction documents. It is drawn to explain the fabrication and/or installation of the items to the manufacturer’s production crew or contractor's installation crews. The style of the shop drawing is usually very different from that of the architect’s drawing. The shop drawing’s primary emphasis is on the particular product or installation and excludes notation concerning other products and installations, unless integration with the subject product is necessary.
From my perspectives and experience here shop drawing is derives from coordinated drawing between all disciplines (architecture, mechanical, civil, structural and electrical) and suppliers details. The coordination task is mainly under the main contractor’s responsibility.
Architect / Draughtperson should put in mind these 2 things :
1. What kind of information required
2. Who will read the drawing
Its like when you buy furniture from IKEA which you have to assemble yourself, you’ll be given a diagram on how to put up the furniture together. The diagram should be easily understandable by the customer be it the customer is a skilled class worker or a layman. It’s the same when we are talking about shop drawing. It should be able to be read by the installer/builder.
For this project, all the drawing are organized and prepared by the main contractor. It is contractor’s responsibility to ensure it is fully coordinated to meet the specifications as prescribed in the contract documents/drawings. The architect as the head of design department should ensure the drawing issued for approval is properly coordinated with structural, civil, mechanical and electrical discipline.
I remember during my matriculation centre, we have been taught about technical drawings in our graphic communication subject. We have been introduced to architectural floor plan, elevation, section and axonometric. These are common communication tools used in building construction. There are even various kind of plans depending on what purpose of the plan or what information to show. For example, site plan, building plan, landscape plan, reflected ceiling plan etc. Different plan require different set of information. Plan with crowded information not always the best as it may be confusing and distracting if it is filled with unnecessary and repetitive information. It goes back to 2 aspect to be taken into account as noted previously. To summarize, here are the things that I have gone through during checking the shop drawing.
LETTERING SIZES – specifications sizes too small. No standardization on the lettering format. Not to mention the arrows for the specs, too small, missing and incorrect point. I got to admit that looking at drawing that is hardly to read is frustrating and affect the emotion of the checker. Though I as possible as I may to be professional, I just couldn’t help if the mistakes repeat more than twice.
DIMENSIONING – dimension is the most important information to give rough idea on the sizes especially to the fabricator even they have to do site measurement for confirmation. Unnecessary dimension should be avoided. Give clearer point of dimension from A to B. Give set out point, think on how the builder going to start, what dimension do they need. More consideration on dimensioning if the shape of the building is curvy or irregular such as angle, radius etc.
LINE WEIGHT – basic aspect on graphic communication in drafting. One should able to identify on which one need bold line and which are not. In elevation, one that stands out or much to the front is bolder than the one beyond. In details, the one with solid/rough build up should use thicker line such as concrete, structural I beam. The lighter materials use thinner line. The thinnest line should go to hatching as I just an indication of materials and in some cases its better not to hatch than the opposite.
SCALE – scale of drawing will determine the complexity of the information delivered. Depends on the size of the project, some drawing require blow ups or enlarge details up to five times. The drawing should able to give information required and readable. If the drawing is too crowded, some section/part may be excluded and blow up with bigger scale for clarity. Nevertheless, the sizes of lettering should remain the same/standardize even the drawing scale is different.
BUBBLE REFERENCES / ANNOTATION – reference bubble are use to indicate a blow up or section details to be referred to another drawing. Reference number should refer to correct drawing/details. This mistake could have been avoided if proper drawing management is developed.
CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS WRITING – specifications is very important to be written correctly as it will incur cost, procurement and contractual implications in a construction project. As the shop drawing will be a legal document, it is essential to thoroughly checked and standardize the specifications. I have encounter a few cases where the specs in one drawing differ with another drawing even it’s the same thing. It is the architect / coordinator’s responsibility to ensure the specs is as per approved materials and method statement.
PRESENTATION – aesthetic is the most important consideration in architecture. The way we want the building look nice, it’s the same with the drawing. It should be presentable and neat. Things such as alignment of lettering, overlapping of specs and drawing, blank space occupy most of the drawing area and arrangement of drawings/details should be taken care of in the 1st place.
I could not refrain myself from putting half of the blame to the technology. With the advance drafting method using computers, Computer Aided Design (CAD), by right it should make the drafting more accurate and less mistakes. However, it as per says about computer technology, ‘garbage in garbage out’. It still depends on the users/drafters itself. The architect in charge / coordinator should ALWAYS do the final checking of the drawing before issuing it for approval by the consultant.
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11:41 PM

I never even have any interest in building construction during my study years in architecture. Do not even realize how important they are as important as a claw to a tiger or a rifle to a soldier. Till I work in a firm with lack of technical knowledge and detailings. If I were to build a chicken shed, I bet I couldn’t deliver the job even I graduated as an architecture student, shame on me. It dragged me quite for sometime designing with less confident especially in the detail aspects. Designing with less consideration on how its going to be build and how is the components are joined together. I feel something wrong and missing but do ot know how to fill in that empty gap. I remember during my study years, it is so hard for me to grasp the essence of studying building construction even my conscience told me that this is what I must know to survive.
Until I was sent to site with the supervision of someone. Someone that have inspired me and woke me up from my long lost dreaming. From that day I started to view things in different way than I did before. I mean I started to query on how things been built, how’s the jointing, how they connect this and that. When I designing with this in mind, its like I was given a revelation on how it would look and at the same time how the builder are going to built it. Is it constructable? Of course some may say everything can be constructed with nowadays technology. However, the challenge is on how to make it simple to construct and yet economical. Well, money is always a constrains and I think as a designer besides been able to tackle the aesthetic issue, it would be a greater advantages if they could provide a few solutions with different range of cost. But not to compromise the aesthetic as well.
A message from me too the students of architecture, its not to late to love building construction as it will bring the best out of you as a master builder, aren’t we the ‘arkhitekton’. During my 2nd year of my studies we went to Thailand for a study visit. If I remember it right, we went to Silpakorn University, visiting our archi mates there. I was impressed looking at the scale model of various staircases they constructed using ‘balsa’ wood. It triggered me at that time that this is how we should learn about details and construction. Build it. Now it’s like a déjà vu when I entered construction site looking at how the building was constructed just that the different is the scale.
Being in this project has been a great experience and exposure for me. I really learnt a lot especially from this someone. May Allah reward him for the knowledge that he shares. For that I aim to share with anybody what I’ve learnt and write a book regarding details someday. There’s a long journey ahead however that long journey will start with one step today and hopefully that step could turn into a leap.
Thank you Allah and thank you to that someone.
Balsa wood -
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5:46 AM

Scanner is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image. (
And when we talk about wide format scanner, it is a scanner which can scan large documents as large as A0 paper size (841mm × 1189mm / 33.1inch X 46.8inch). In my opinion this is one of important equipment to be made available in the construction project besides wide format printer. Stepping into digital age, the documentation wise should be recorded digitally besides hard copies. I will elaborate in the aspect of effectiveness and cost saving.
Construction is always about how to achieve completion within the period time given and budget allocation. Using digital information, it can be stored safely in a server and may be distributed effectively through email or local area network(LAN). It is also easy and faster to search provided that the document controller(DC) has set it up with proper filing and naming. The digital copy could then be printed in any sizes be it A4,A3 and so forth.
Cost saving
In the aspects of cost saving, certain amount of money could be save from paper and printer cartridge / ink from frequent printing. Saving time which is a part of cost saving from the process of searching the hard copy or original copy for reference. It may took a little longer if the organization is bigger which sometimes require certain procedures and clearance just to have the drawing in your hand.
From what I have gone through, there is a problem of circulating the information from the design department team to operation team on site. The approved shop drawing sometimes just stuck either with the document controller or the design dept team. Then, the ‘engineers under pressure’ will just go directly to the architect or sometimes even to the draughtsman and request for the drawing to be printed from the soft copy. It is problematic since some of the comments by the consultant was written on the approved drawing hence the soft copy is not valid to be used on site. This happens due to nature of the project which is fast track and lack of coordination by the contractor from the beginning. So, by having the documents in digital format, the engineer could obtain the copy printed directly from the main server with all the comments by consultant. However the system of filing and documentation by the document controller is the key to the effectiveness of it above all.
Here are some wide format scanner manufacturer available in the market :
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1:58 AM

It is vital is construction that you have the accurate information received and delivered. The circulation of information the target group also should be clear, precise and comprehensible. In other words, straight to the point. Construction doesn’t require flowery or extravagant explanation / instruction. The person who receives the information should be able to understand the instruction and commence the work accordingly.
Looking at the project management triangle, the effectiveness of information flow does affect the project or we may say it’s a part of project constraint.
Here’s the example of one situation :
Zahari is a graduate engineer cum site supervisor on contractor’s side for the project. He is in charge on all ceiling works for the project. One day he encounter one problem which are there is one area he is not quite sure o the detail as there are no approved shop drawings indicated for that area. So, he assumes that the detail is typical and commences the work as it is. During the inspection with the consultant, it is found out that the work is incorrect and was rejected.
Zahari’s mistake :
1. Make assumption on the information
2. Does not relay the information to the architect to resolve the detailing issue
3. Instruct the workers to complete the incorrect work
What he should have done :
In this case, he should have inquired from design department to provide details to be submitted to the consultant for approval. It may delay the work a bit however the more important thing is to get it right. It may delay ½ day work but it may save a few days work if it were to be rectified later after everything have been done. If we take a look into cost aspect, it certainly will cost more due to demolish and redo work, cost of material and labour. Request for information (RFI) should be sent to the consultant immediately and followed by updating the shop drawing.
Means of information
- shop drawing / construction drawing (must be approved by consultant)
- Request for information (RFI)
- Specifications
- Bill of quantities
- Method statement
- Material submission